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About us
It is a privileged partner in the realization of scientific projects related to microbiology.
Our services
The complementarity of these tools will make it possible to:
- Enumerate, characterize, isolate microorganisms from various ecosystems (aquatic, soil, atmosphere, plants, animals, humans, etc.).
- Cultivate microorganisms in planktonic, biofilm, anaerobic conditions.
- Directly quantify a genome element (DNA or RNA) in a biological or environmental sample.
- Study the interactions of microorganisms with eukaryotic cells.
Anaerobic enclosure: Glove box (Jacomex)
The anaerobic enclosure is equipped with 4 gloves (2 peoples), a thermostated incubator and a controlled anaerobic atmosphere (N2/CO2/H2 90/5/5). This equipment allows the preparation, culture and/or isolation of anaerobic microorganisms.
Sylvain DENIS (MEDiS) / Sylvie MIQUEL (LMGE) / Adeline SIVIGNON (M2iSH)
Transepithelial resistance measuring device
The CellZscope2 (nanoAnalytics) allows the study of the influence of substances, toxins, molecules or microorganisms on the permeability of the cell layer by impedance monitoring (TER + capacitance). This approach is real-time, direct (without marker), adaptable to different cellular models and requires little material (inserts of 6, 12 or 24 wells).
Adeline SIVIGNON (M2iSH) / Marjolaine DELABRE, Sylvie MIQUEL (LMGE)Automatic Seed Diluter (Easy spiral)
Automatic colony counter (Scan 4000)
This automatic counter allows the counting of bacterial colonies on round Petri dishes 55, 90, 100, 150 mm and square boxes 120 mm with manual or automatic seeding thanks to the easySpiral Dilute®. It can count colonies on chromogenic agars, filtration membranes and read susceptibility tests.
Automated liquid handler and colony picker (Fluent control T480 TECAN)
This automate has 1 arm with 8 independent channels allowing volume pipetting from 1 to 1000 μL and 1 displacement arm for SBS microplates and 90 mm Petri dishes. Its use allows the distribution of liquids, dilutions serial in microplates etc ... Pickolo is a colony picker coupled to Tecan liquid handlers, it allows colony picking from a 90 mm round Petri dish and seeded in a 96-well microplate. Colony selection can be done by size, colour and shape or fluorescent (GFP). Its use requires the creation and validation of the computer script corresponding to the desired applications. The consumables used must be standardized and of the same reference.
Frédéric FAURE (M2iSH), Laurent NAKUSI (LMGE)Microfluidic device (BioFlux 200, Fluxion) coupled to an observation system (Axio-Observer 7, Zeiss)
Multiplate reader (Spark Cyto 400, Tecan)
Droplet Digital (dPCR) (Biorad)
MALDI-TOF MS : MALDI Biotyper® sirius (Bruker)
Two sample ionization modes are available:
- Positive ionization: For proteomic analysis of samples, enabling identification down to the species or group of species.
- Negative ionization: For lipidomic analysis of samples, enabling for example the detection of antimicrobial resistances such as colistin, associated with a modification of lipid A.
It is also equipped with two modules:
- The MBT HT Subtyping module, for automatic detection of strain-specific markers to facilitate differentiation or detection of resistance markers.
- The Explorer module, enabling users to create their own database and share spectra with other equipped laboratories.
In the same section
- Social Science
- Intelligent cars - Wave - Connection
- Structural Materials - Surface Treatments
- Physico-Chemical Analysis
Biology and Health Technologies
- 3D Print
- Artificial Mastication Advanced Machine (AM2)
- Biological Sample Irradiation (PAVIRMA)
- Cell Imaging Service (CICS)
- Chromatography & lipid analysis facility
- Cican'Auv
- Clermont Confocal Imaging (CLIC)
- Clinical Research Division of Jean PERRIN Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Culturomic
- Cytometry, Sort & Transmission Electronic Microscopy (CYSTEM)
- Digestive Environment Simulation (Digest-IV)
- Fly Facility
- Galbiopharm
- Gene Capture
- High Throughput Genotyping and Sequencing in Auvergne (Gentyane)
- In Vivo Imaging Auvergne (IVIA)
- Laser Microdissection Platform (LMD)
- Platform of Exploration of Metabolism (PFEM)
- Microscopy - Imaging
- Environmental Technologies and Geomatics