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Clermont Confocal Imaging (CLIC)
About us
The GReD has developed since 2000 a confocal microscopy facility : the CLIC facility is localized on the 4th floor of CRBC building.
Any person working in a public laboratory or private company can benefit of training to become autonomous to work on all microscopes managed by the platform.
In parallel, advice for sample preparation and image analysis are also given to the users. For this 4 stations of image analysis are now proposed to our users with the different softwares (Huyguens, Image J, Imaris, Zen).
The CLIC imaging facility is under the scientific direction of Vincent Mirouse and Christpohe Tatout and several research engineers provide their expertise.
Any person working in a public laboratory or private company can benefit of training to become autonomous to work on all microscopes managed by the platform.
In parallel, advice for sample preparation and image analysis are also given to the users. For this 4 stations of image analysis are now proposed to our users with the different softwares (Huyguens, Image J, Imaris, Zen).
The CLIC imaging facility is under the scientific direction of Vincent Mirouse and Christpohe Tatout and several research engineers provide their expertise.
Our services
After a first meeting to discuss about your project, we will determine together the best equipment for you. The training will be performed on your own samples and usually requires 2 to 4 hours.
Then, you will get access to on-line microscope booking system and you will use microscope on your own. Of course, we will stay available to discuss your project evolution.
We can also help you for image analysis and treatment and provide access to several imaging softwares as Imaris (3D analysis, quantification) and Huygens (deconvolution).
You will pay your access to microscopes and image analysis computers based on hourly rate.
Then, you will get access to on-line microscope booking system and you will use microscope on your own. Of course, we will stay available to discuss your project evolution.
We can also help you for image analysis and treatment and provide access to several imaging softwares as Imaris (3D analysis, quantification) and Huygens (deconvolution).
You will pay your access to microscopes and image analysis computers based on hourly rate.
4 laser scanning microscopes :
- Zeiss LSM 800 + AiryScan
- Zeiss LSM 980 + AiryScan 2 + spectral mode
- Leica TCS SP5
- Leica SPE
- 1 spinning disk microscope : Zeiss Cell observer SD
- 1 confocal Macrosocope Leica LSI
- 1 widefield microscope Leica MMAF + optigrid
- 4 Stations image analysis with Zen (1 poste), Imaris (2 postes) et Huyguens (1 poste)
Plateau CLIC Clermont Imagerie Confocale
4ème étage CRBC
Faculté de Médecine
28 place Henri Dunant
63001 Clermont-Ferrand, France
4ème étage CRBC
Faculté de Médecine
28 place Henri Dunant
63001 Clermont-Ferrand, France