About us

The laser microdissection technique aims to isolate cells or groups of cells under morphological control for RNA, DNA, protein studies, etc. The PALM® Microbeam system uses a contact-free microdissection and laser pressure catapulting technology. Once the regions of interest are selected, the concentration of the laser beam allows for the cutting of samples by the movement of the microscope stage. This preliminary cutting of the region of interest physically isolates the sample from any contamination from the surrounding tissue. The combination of cutting followed by catapulting allows for the extraction of large tissue areas as well as the isolation of single cells. The system allows for a certain degree of moisture in the preparations, enabling work with frozen tissue sections or paraffin-embedded sections.

Our services

- Training in the use of the laser microdissector
- Use of the laser microdissector on your samples
- Provision of laser microdissection services

Facilities / Equipments

Laser microdissector, cryostat